四杆索拉膜专业马戏流动剧场,根据需要可设主篷为马戏剧场,副篷为检票大厅。剧场建筑总高 18.5 米,圆形马戏剧场内部空间直径 45 米,演出可用空间高度 15 米,可满足各种高空节目与地面节目的演出须要。马戏剧场抗风等级:9级。剧场内设观众坐席1820座,观众区分为 VIP-A 区,VIP-B 区,VIP-C 区和普通区。
Introduction of Special Grand Circus Moving Theater
Four pole solfilm professional circus flow theater, according to the need can set the main cloak for the circus theater, the cloak is the ticket hall. The total height is 18.5 meters, the diameter of the circus is 45 meters, and the height of the performing stage is 15 meters, which can meet the performance of various high altitude programs and ground programs. Circus Theater resistance : 9 level. The theater has 1820 seats, the audiences divided between VIP-A, VIP-B, VIP-C and common.
Special explaination : the performance activities with more than 1000 participates (including) are the mass cultural activities and must be examined and approved by the public security department.