MAISTRENKO和 BERDYSHOV两大家族的传人,他们世代以驯马演出为生。曾在蒙特卡洛国际马戏节上荣获金小丑奖,在莫斯科国际马戏节上荣获金熊奖,在巴黎明日世界马戏节上荣获共和国总统奖,在意大利金色马戏节、比利时希望之路国际马戏节、布达佩斯等国际马戏节上荣获金奖、银奖等无数嘉奖。
Wonderful Equestrian Show
The descendants of the two major families, MAISTRENKO and BERDYSHOV, who have made a living with horse domestication shows for generations. They have won the Golden Joker Award in the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, the Golden Bear Award in the Moscow International Circus Festival, the President Award of the Republic in the Paris Tomorrow World Circus Festival, and countless awards in the Italian Golden Circus Festival, the Belgian Hope International Circus Festival, and the International Circus Festival in Budapest.