默剧大师是来自GNATIUK家族的传人 IAROSLAV 和 MARIIA夫妇,他们曾在蒙特卡洛国际马戏节上获得金小丑奖,在罗马金色马戏节上荣获小丑金奖,在拉蒂纳国际马戏节上荣获国际金奖,在莫斯科国际马戏节上荣获金熊奖,在布达佩斯国际杂技上荣获银奖。
IAROSLAV和 MARIIA夫妇将为我们带来《憨豆逗绅士》等表演,他们诙谐幽默的喜剧,总是逗得满堂欢笑与喝彩。俗话说“不怕神一样的对手,就拍猪一样的队友”, IAROSLAV就遇到像猪一样的队友 MARIIA,一场表演弄得他哭笑不得。
The Master of Mime Show
The master of Mime show IAROSLAV and MARIIA, descendants from the GNATIUK family, won the Golden Clown Award at the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, the Golden Circus Festival in Rome, the International Gold Award at the Latina International Circus Festival, the Golden Bear Award at the Moscow International Circus Festival, and the Silver Award in Budapest International Acrobatics.
IAROSLAV and MARIIA will bring us such performances as "Bean Make the Gentleman" , their humorous comedy, will always be full of laughter and cheers. As the saying goes, "not afraid of god like opponents, shoot a pig like teammates" , IAROSLAV met a pig like teammate MARIIA, a performance made him laugh and cry.