来自西伯利亚的实力歌手Lina,毕业于俄罗斯著名的音乐学院,拥有丰富的舞台演出经验,音乐是她生命里的一部分。自从有了音乐她便有了真正的灵魂,在音乐的创作上都都有着非凡的才华,拥有代表作《SHOW SONG》。她曾经在伦敦举办的大型音乐节担任主唱,巡演走过欧美等数十个国家,一直从事音乐这项她喜爱的艺术,在浮躁的功利的现代社会,像她这种锲而不舍追逐自己的理想,全力以赴对待每一次机会的认真态度,得到了一大批的粉丝的拥护。2017年末来到中国,从此爱上了这片充满魅力的国度。
Powerful singer Lina, from Siberia graduated from a prestigious Russian conservatory with extensive stage performance experience, and music is part of her life. She has a real soul because of music and has an extraordinary talent in the music creation, with the representative work <SHOW SONG>. She once held in London large music festival, tour through Europe and America and other dozens of countries, has been engaged in music her favorite art, in impetuous utilitarian modern society, like her perseverance in pursuit of their own ideals, go all out to treat every opportunity of serious attitude, got the support of a large number of fans. She came to China in late 2017, and since then fell in love with this charming country.